Benefits of registering a trademark with a registered intellectual property consultant


Benefits of registering a trademark with a registered intellectual property consultant – For business owners offline or online, building a brand for their business is an important point. The mark is a symbol or signal of a commercial enterprise. Some people are increasingly drawn to a specific emblem that will convey the brand directly HKI Consultant registered.

You can brand with an existing online design tool through a registered IPC consultant. But this article does not describe how to build a brand or tactics for building a brand.

So what will be considered? According to the title of the article above, we will comment on why it is important to register your trademark with the Managing Director of HKI and what benefits will be gained from it.

What is a brand?

The brand is a symbol or signal of a company that can be shaped.

Why is the brand needed?

How much does it take for a business or business owner to build a brand through a registered IPC consultant? The question now is why is the brand needed?

There are many important points you need to recognize. Brand used for:

  1. Increase the sale value of business assets.
  2. As a guarantee of the quality of the product or service.
  3. As a promotional tool, to promote a product or a service, it suffices to mention the brand.
  4. An identification signal to compare the goods or services produced by each businessman.
  5. A brand is indeed important to a business, whether offline or online.

However, nowadays many brands are similar to each other.

The possibilities seem insignificant, but this treatment is a bit sketchy. Some people who have small businesses probably don’t mind this, but what about well-known and copied businesses? Can cause problems and result in losses!

How is this calculated? The answer is to register the mark with the general manager of intellectual property.

What is HKI?

Intellectual property rights or intellectual property rights are assets which result from brain reflection and produce a product or process beneficial to humans and which is considered by the state on the basis of the legal provisions in force.

Have you ever encountered the above symbols on a product? What do you know about the emblem? In HKI, this emblem is mentioned as copyright and industrial property rights.

Copyright is a limited right for the author or who receives the right to publish or reproduce his work or to give his permission.

Copyright itself has important functions, such as creating exclusive rights to creations protected by copyright and a specific period of time, monitoring the use of economic rights (such as the reproduction, announcement, dissemination, display) and the birth of personality rights that protect the image and credibility of the author (mention of the creator of names, deviation of the name of the creator, destruction of the creation of the creator).

Industrial property rights are rights that provide protection for the goods or services that we build at the expense and intellectual considerations to support our industry.

Industrial property rights recorded:

According to IPR Public Affairs Officer Erick Saropie, at the “How to Preserve Your Brand Through HAKI” event dealing with copyright is much faster than with a trademark.

Why this? Copyright is active in relation to a static trademark.

We encourage you to register your trademark with HKI to take into account the unexpected incidents which was experienced by one of the spicy cassava chip snack companies hampered by the theft issue.

In short, this company has brothers. The younger brother who is inspired and sells products through social media has to come to terms with the fact that his brother is registering a product brand that the younger brother is not familiar with. This resulted in a dispute which was subsequently taken to the courts.

Another problem is that the Swedish company IKEA wants to open a business in Indonesia. When they were arrested because they could not get a permit and it seems the IKEA brand made it permanent in Indonesia, this issue was brought to the legal table for resolution.

From the problem examples above, you can figure out for yourself what needs to be done about your company’s branding in the future.

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