NFT Gacha organization, Doki Doki, has announced that its new Gachapon tools have been promoted with the help of Chainlink VRF. It is the leading solution provider in the blockchain industry for protecting smart contracts from tampering. It will also ensure smooth random number generation, which can be monitored and used by the public.
29. Toth, it launched its first gachapon which is authorized by Chainlink VRF. Gachapon, titled Zodiac Girls, is the next installment in the entertaining trend of Doki Doki, releasing NXT collectibles to enthusiasts so everyone has a fair chance. What’s even better is that artistic creators will also be able to start their own NFT collectibles series on this platform.
The integration of Doki Doki Gachapon with Chainlink VRF will enhance security features by employing the latest technology and also improve machines to ensure transparency and reliability in manufacturing numbers. This will always enhance the customer experience.
NFT platform Doki Doki was founded with the goal of facilitating creators, brand names and innovative potential projects with Gachapon’s personalized digital machines so that they can use random number generators to implement gaming in the NFT distribution process. Once a user starts playing Gachapon, they are awarded capsules that contain random NFTs inside. The whole process is similar to opening a pack of cards. Normally for smart contracts like this, issuing random numbers in a fair and tamper-free manner is a big problem. Chainlink VRF solves this problem easily. Kirinjo, CTO of Doki Doki, said that they have made the right decision by employing Chainlink VRFs for their clients body as they will now be able to ensure that the entire process of generating random numbers is completely transparent, and users are able to Will have to verify it.
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