The Wisdom of Trauma (2021) English Subtitles

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The Wisdom of Trauma (2021) English Subtitles Download Srt

  • 2021 – 1h 27min
  • Documentary
  • Directors – Maurizio Benazzo, Zaya Benazzo
  • Stars – Russell Brand, James Doty, Tim Ferriss
  • 1 in 5 Americans are diagnosed with mental illness every year. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the US for youth aged 15-24, and kills over 48,300 in the US and 800,000 people globally per year. Drug overdose kills 81,000 in the US annually. The autoimmune disorder epidemic affects 24 million people in the US alone. What is going on? The interconnected epidemics of anxiety, chronic illness and substance abuse are, according to Dr Gabor Maté, normal – but not in the way you might think.

Download & Add or Insert Subtitles into Movies

  • Click the download subtitles button to download the subtitles for the movie you are looking for.
  • After the subtitles haAn artist relocates to the Hudson Valley and begins to suspect that her marriage has a sinister darkness, one that rivals her new home’s been downloaded, enter the subtitles into a folder along with the film.
  • Then extract the subtitle file by right-clicking on the subtitle> WinRAR> Extract Here.

Sometimes the subtitles that have been downloaded are not automatically read by the movie player. The next step that must be done is to insert the subtitles into the film. There are 3 ways to insert subtitles into the film which I will discuss. Check out the steps below:

Before that, play your movie first. I use the VLC Media Player application to play movies.

First step

  • Drag or drag subtitles to the movie player. The trick is to left click on the subtitle then hold and drag the subtitle to the movie that has been played.

Second Way

  • Open the movie that has been played, then right click on the film > select subtitles > select add subtitle file .

The Third Way

This third way is so that the subtitles can be read by the movie player automatically without having to drag or add subtitles first. This method is only enough to equate the name of the film title and subtitles.

  • Right click on the movie title > select rename > then press ctrl + c on your keyboard to copy the name to the subtitles.
  • Right click on the subtitle title > select rename > then press ctrl + v on your keyboard.
  • If you have done steps 1 and 2 correctly, the movie title and subtitle title will be the same as the image below. You can immediately play the film with the subtitles that are automatically read.

Subtitles have been successfully added to the movie.

It turns out that it’s easy, isn’t it how to download subtitles and how to insert subtitles into movies? Subtitle providers have now flooded the world of film. Whether coming from the world of film itself or other people who are willing to help in making film subtitles.

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